Today’s era of digitization, everything is getting automated or technology is empowering various things. Social distancing norm, has resulted in her changes in strategy, for Education, institute’s conducting exams using traditional pen and paper Based mechanism is not going to happen in the coming days. Now, institutions are exploring option to conduct exam, remotely using computer or mobile phones. It is true fact that
Most of the students sitting at home, may not have a computer with them but I am sure every one of them would have a smartphone with them. Why not explore option of conducting exam on mobile phone in a secure manner? Eklavvya platform. Provides you the option to conduct online exams on a mobile phone of the students. While the student is attempting, an online exam on the mobile phone camera of the phone continuously screams activity,
Face of the user to exam Proctor he can ensure that candidate is not using any means or taking help from the books notebooks or talking to some other person while exam his happening. So it is a definitely and secure and Innovative way to conduct your online Exams. We are conducting many, such exams for various education institutions across the world. So in this case of candidates who do not have laptop or computer, With them but they might have smartphone with them.
You can easily conduct remote Proctor Monitored online exam with the help of a mobile phones where candidates can appear for the online exam on mobile phone. Remote Proctor can do the monitoring of live streaming of the candidate you and there is a facility of audio recording and streaming of the environment around the candidate. So while candidate is attempting the online exam system will record audio associated with the candidate. So you
We’ll get to know if any other person is speaking. While exam is happening, or if candidate is trying to take help from some external means. So those things can also be detected with the help of audio recording and audio, proctoring mechanism as a remote Proctor. You can also initiate live chat with the remote candidate who is attempting the online exam. Proctor has facility to pause terminate or resume, promote exam quite easily. If proctor finds that there is some sort of malpractice happening or candidate is not visible in front of the screen.
Then you have a facility where you can pass the exam, do the live chat with the candidate or in some cases, you can also terminate the remote online exam. There is a detailed audit of online examination activity available. How many times can detect right to switch online exam window? Or how many times candidate try to resume the online exam? How many questions have been attempted ? What point of time? Which question is attempted by the candidate,
All those things are available. Plus there is a security mechanism available to prevent concurrent login. So candidate can log-in only in the one browser. At the singular point of time. And we also have algorithms related to facial recognition and artificial intelligence, driven algorithms to detect exam malpractices where you can identify if more than one phase has been detected in front of the screen or candidate face is not matching with the records associated with the usual person.
Even there is a facility available for speech to text recognition where for candidate want to type. The long answers that can be easily managed with the help of speech-to-text mechanism, where candidate can speak the answer and that will be directly converted in the text format and it will be shown in front of the screen
Even though we have facility to upload scan images associated with the diagrams or graphs. So if any question requires were candidate should draw the diagram or graphs then that can be done on the plain paper and it’s copy can be easily uploaded in the online exam answer section. We also have facility where you can show the calculator I online exam is happening. So in case of scientific exams or mathematical oriented exams,
If you want candidate should use the calculators, then online calculator will be shown in front of the exam, scream and candidate can use those calculators, to calculate certain things and come up with the answers. We have been working with many universities as well as schools in order to conduct their secure online exam on the mobile phones.
We got millions of exams conducted using Eklavvya platform. For the remote proctoring mechanism. So if you are interested in a demonstration or if you would like to understand how to manage online exams on the mobile phones with the remote proctoring mechanism, then you can visit our website